All the carers have been lovely with her (mum) and helped me care for her.

Caring for someone with
a brain or spinal injury

Damage to the brain or spinal cord will typically result in physical disability but can also sometimes affect their behaviour, personality and cognitive abilities.  Therefore, each individual’s needs greatly vary and so too will the level of care and support they need.  

We provide care for clients, of all ages, with a range of spinal cord and acquired brain injuries and are able to support all aspects of personal care such as bladder and bowel management including autonomic dysreflexia.  Many clients need support not only physically but psychologically as they learn to adapt to their new life and overcome new challenges.

Personalised Care

The personalised care plan that we formulate not only considers the individual’s medical needs but incorporates any aims or goals they wish to achieve such as returning to work, being able to attend events. Our care plans are regularly reviewed and adjustments made to ensure that it continues to meet an individual’s medical and well-being needs as well as keeping them safe and supporting their lifestyle.

All our care team are trained and have specialist skills and knowledge to help care for a person’s specific physical and mental health needs.   

Please do book a call or get in touch with us if you have a loved one
that you are looking for care for in the Devon area.

Benefits of Care at home

Living at home has lots of benefits including

  • Maintain relationships with family, siblings, friends and even pets.
  • Privacy and dignity enhanced.
  • Familiar surroundings and routines.
  • Allows a person to live a more independent life.
  • Provides one-to-one care from professional carers.
  • Flexibility to choose the kind of care you receive and how often.
  • Personalised care plans that can change with your needs.
  • Being at home tends to be calmer with less disruptions
  • A regular team who you know.
  • It can significantly improve quality of life.
  • Allow you to socialise and attend education, work and clubs.